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Committee Discriptions

Solebury Friends Meeting Committees April 2020


Audit - The Committee oversees the functions of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer. It insures that standard bookkeeping practices are maintained and that monies are expended according to the approved Annual Budget.   The Committee also monitors our investments in the Friends Fiduciary and our insurance policies.


Budget – The Committee is responsible for preparing an annual budget for the Meeting which is presented for approval at the annual Corporation Meeting for Business.


Oversight and Counsel – The Committee assumes leadership in maintaining a caring community, helping all members find their right roles as nurturers of others.  Pastoral care and counseling are a special responsibility of the members of this Committee.  The Committee annually reaches out to members who do not regularly attend Meeting, communicates with Friends who turn 21 to ascertain their interest in adult membership, and is responsible for conducting weddings and memorial services held under the care of the Meeting.


Financial Resources – The Committee oversees and encourages the responsibility for members’ annual giving to Solebury Meeting and carries out our Long Range Financial Development Planning.


Graveyard – The Committee oversees the care, maintenance and operation of the graveyard.  The Clerk is responsible for arranging for grave openings and the placement of gravestones. 


House and Grounds – The Committee is charged with the care and maintenance of our building and our property.  It presents annually to Monthly Meeting a proposed budget for capital expenses.  The Clerk of the Committee has primary oversight of our caretakers and maintains a schedule of building uses.


Religious Education – The Committee is responsible for the children’s First Day School program.  


Post-Meeting Greeter – At the rise of Meeting, the Greeter welcomes guests and asks for joys and concerns that those present may want to share.

Buckingham Friends School Board of Trustees – A member of Meeting serves as our representative on the Buckingham Friends School Board.


Hospitality – This Committee is responsible for organizing social gatherings involving the serving of food.  In addition to annual events, such as Family Day and Christmas, the Committee organizes our monthly social hour. In the event of the death of a member, the Committee may be asked to provide refreshments following a memorial service.


Human Relations and Outreach – The charge of this Committee is to be concerned with the welfare of people outside of our meeting and to provide opportunities for others to learn about the Religious Society of Friends.


Worship and Ministry – The Committee is charged with overseeing the spiritual life of the Meeting.  It should include Friends ready when needed to help keep sensitive to divine promptings. It should also include some Friends who are looked to as helpful counselors, to whom persons go for understanding and loving guidance. The vocations of ministry and of counseling are interwoven. The Committee should also provide programming to support the spiritual life of the meeting.


Mary Blackmar Education Fund – The Committee informs families with school-aged children that grant money is available to assist them in sending their children to Friends schools, and then sees that the process is carried out for families who request the assistance.


Nominating Committee – The Committee is responsible for staffing Meeting’s officers and committees. Its recommendations are presented for Meeting approval at the annual Corporate Meeting for Business.

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